The project

The first Eco-Murales in Aielli (Aq)
part of the 'Constellations' series

A new special mural is added to the famous collection of the small village of Aielli (AQ), thanks to the first Eco-Murales in the 'Constellations' series by the Negroni brand.

It is called Nuru (in the African Swahili language it means "day of light") and it is the first work of its kind in Aielli, exceptionally made with Airlite air purifying paint, signed by the artist Zoer with the support of Giovanni Anastasia.

The 'Constellations' di Negroni project in Borgo Universo was created with the artistic direction of PalomArt in collaboration with Yourban 2030 and with the moral patronage of the Municipality of Aielli.

Nuru - Aielli Photo by Y2030 ©

An extraordinary example of regeneration at the hands of young people

Borgo Universo therefore hosts a new 'author's wall', indeed of authors, which represents a concentration of sustainability, urban redevelopment and street art inspired by the keywords "respect and balance", chosen by about 600 young people from all over Italy through the survey online which took place in July on the Negroni website.

"For the debut of Costellazioni - said the Marketing Manager of Salumi Negroni - we strongly focused on Borgo Universo, because it represents not only a reference place for world street art, but also an extraordinary example of regeneration at the hands of young people."

"We are enthusiastic about this new project in Borgo Universo that turns the spotlight on environmental issues" explains the president of Yourban2030, Veronica De Angelis "and we are above all proud to have done so by making young people under 35 protagonists, carrying on our mission of bringing together companies and institutions, raising awareness of both, through art. Because artistic language goes beyond geographical and linguistic boundaries, as each of us's daily struggle for cleaner air and global sustainability must be."



Recognized by the United Nations as one of the four best technologies in the world to combat pollution - it is a technology that is applied like a simple paint that, thanks to the action of light, transforms every wall into a natural air purifier. 100% natural, it generates electrons on the surface of the walls, which, when combined with water vapor and oxygen in the air, produce negative ions. These are the invisible allies of well-being, capable of neutralizing the pollutants in the air.

You can be sustainable not only in the message but also in the use of materials.

Aielli - Nuru Photo by Y2030 ©
mela mundi Photo by Y2030 ©

The Artists


The use of a pseudonym stems from the desire to privilege creation rather than identity. As a figurative painter, acrylic and oil are his favorite mediums; he uses them on canvas or site-specific paint to question the future of industrial substances. Trained as a product designer, the study of the object determined his plastic research: understanding its philosophy, function and determination leads him to grasp its life and the afterlife in painting. It is the delicate dramaturgy of the crepuscular objects that the artist expresses with a touch oscillating between speed and precision combined with an intense and luminous color palette.

Giovanni Anastasia

Artista napoletano, nato nel 1987, figlio d’arte, grazie all’influenza del padre coltiva le sue passioni per il disegno e la pittura. È diplomato al liceo artistico e in pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, e ha studiato illustrazione alla Scuola Italiana di Comix di Napoli. Fin da giovanissimo, insieme al disegno e alla pittura inizia a coltivare l’arte del modellato in terracotta e della scultura, per poi sviluppare un proprio stile nel tempo sempre più riconoscibile, insieme a un immaginario personale. Negli anni ha collaborato con artisti visuali, performers, videomakers e musicisti.


Timelaps and presentation

Photo by Y2030
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©
Borgo Universo - Nuru - Aielli (AQ) Photo by Y2030 ©


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